CoJam Photos
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CoJam Video
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Team RFLKTR winning photo with the CoJam wise council [L-R]
Standing: Nandita Mathur, Maria Hayward, Fatumata Bah, Naisi Chen, Kees Baker, Kevin Prime, Abaan Yor
Kneeling: Shivani Narsai, Isabel Clack, Te Uranga Royal
CoJam Winners
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Team RFLKTR, we'll be supporting Project Pūrākau into the implementation phase of their prototype over the next few months.
Team RFLKTR proposes centering pōwhiri and pūrakau in the immigration process and resettlement journey for new arrivals to Aotearoa, New Zealand. It would achieve this by establishing a community marae “to house our collective stories and foster a sense of belonging in this place and time".
It's no surprise that there's been a lot of external interest in Project Pūrākau, as they are busy working away on the project and we'll be in touch again closer to project launch time!

48hrs to co-design ‘belonging’ in our superdiverse world…
Be part of a 2-day jam* to connect, co-create ideas and co-imagine solutions for a more inclusive and diverse Aotearoa, NZ.
Meet young changemakers, learn about creative problem-solving skills and collaborate with our former refugee & resettlement communities.
Why are we CoJamming?
The Need
Why are we CoJamming?
Each CoJam experience focuses on a different social issue. For this weekend, the community need is:
By 2038, Auckland’s ethnic diversity is projected to rise. In 2020, the refugee quota is increasing from 1000 – 1500 across Aotearoa, NZ. And as a country, we are rapidly moving from a bi-cultural nation to a truly multi-cultural nation.
There is a need and desire to strengthen social cohesion, diversity and inclusion in our wider communities. There is a need for everyone regardless of background to find their sense of belonging. And there is a need for our young people to embrace their new cultural and multi-identities in this superdiverse world.
The Challenge
What is this CoJam challenge about?
Each CoJam experience focuses on a different social issue. For this weekend, the design challenge is:
“ How might we support and celebrate young people exploring new cultural multi-identities? ”
This challenge evolved out of another co-design workshop with 60+ community leaders, convened by Belong Aotearoa on ‘Creating an Inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand: Sector Hui Report’ as one of the key prototypes to activate change.
The Opportunity
How is the CoJam going to work?
Each CoJam experience focuses on a different social issue. For this weekend, you’ll have the opportunity to connect & collaborate with:
Young changemakers, learn about creative problem solving skills and collaborate with our former refugee & resettlement communities.

What is a *Jam?
Imagine a Jam session in music. You come together, bringing your instruments, your skills, your open mind.
Someone sets up a theme, and you start to Jam around it. You don't overanalyse it, you don't discuss it to death – you bounce your ideas off other people, and play around with what comes back. Together, you build something which none of you could have built alone, while learning new ideas, sharpening your skills, and having a great time.
The CoJam works in a similar way. But it's not music you are “jamming” with – it's with insights and ideas.
You'll be working with people you might never have met before, bouncing insights and ideas off of one another and building on what bounces back. And it's not just talking – you are here to build a prototype and plan of action which you, the community group or somebody else might like to develop further. Creating a starting point for action and social impact.
That's the challenge of the CoJam!
You may have also heard about Global Jams.
How is this CoJam going to work?
Me pēhea tēnei e mahi ai?
From the research, to the full programme
and the co-design toolkit…
The Code of Conduct
The code of conduct for this CoJam experience can be read here. This is a work-in-progress, so if you have any feedback at all, please don’t hesitate to let us know!
The Programme
The programme of activities and agenda for this CoJam experience is available here!
The Toolkit
The toolkit and design methods for this CoJam experience is now available online!

Who’s involved in this CoJam?
Ko wai ngā kaiwhakahaere?
From the community, to the catalysts and then the coaches.
Here are some of the collaborators currently involved
in bringing this CoJam experience to life!
The Community
The Catalysts
The Coaches
The Council
Abann K.A Yor
Aotearoa Resettled
Communities Coalition
Fatumata Bah
Inspiring Youth Leader
Nandita Mathur
Office of Ethnic Communities
Maria Hayward
Auckland University of Technology
Naisi Chen
Foundation North
Kevin Prime
Foundation North

“ Nāku te rourou,
nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi ”
With my basket and with your basket the people will thrive.