48hrs to co-imagine 'belonging' in our superdiverse world

Our CoJam

From the community, to the catalysts and then the coaches, here are some of the collaborators currently involved in bringing this CoJam experience to life!


The Communities


New Zealand Red Cross

New Zealand Red Cross is a humanitarian organisation who is one of 191 Red Cross national societies across the world. Each national society is made up of volunteers and staff. They provide a wide variety of services – from first aid and disaster relief to reuniting separated families. National society volunteers are often the first on the scene when a disaster strikes.


Aotearoa Resettled Community Coalition

ARCC was established in 2006 following a desire to address the many social barriers facing former refugees who have resettled in Aotearoa. Their aim is to give former refugees and resettled communities a platform to have a collective voice on raising awareness on the issues they were facing in the resettlement and integration process, both regionally and nationally.

Their overall vision is to build stable, integrated, and thriving resettled communities in Auckland by creating opportunities for participation, strengthening community leadership, building the capacity of their members, and empowering our communities to fulfil their aspirations.

ARCC’s general manager, Abann Kamyay Ajak Yor, will be on the Council for the CoJam experience.


Refugees as Survivors
New Zealand

RASNZ is New Zealand’s leading mental health and wellbeing service for people from refugee backgrounds living in Aotearoa.

The organisation was established in 1995 as a non-denominational, politically-neutral and non-aligned not-for-profit charitable trust. We are governed by an elected Board of Trustees and funded by the Ministry of Health, philanthropic organisations and donations from individuals and the wider community.


Belong Aotearoa

Founded in 2003, Belong Aotearoa (Formerly known as ARMS) has in over 15 years supported thousands of newcomers, migrants and refugees who have settled in Auckland. It has been a place in which these communities can learn skills, gain experience and opportunities that help them in each of these systems through the various projects, workshops and programmes run.


Techfugees New Zealand

Techfugees is an impact-driven global organisation aimed at building a sustainable ecosystem of “tech for refugee” solutions & supporting the inclusion of refugees and displaced people into the tech industry. They focus on coordinating and creating bridges between techies, social entrepreneurs, humanitarians, students, researchers, innovators and more.

The Techfugees local chapters organise meetups and hackathons in an effort to generate tech solutions for and with displaced people and refugees. They also curate and promote the best projects for partnerships & implementation in the field.



Mixit was originally founded with the support and guidance of The Fledgling Trust in 2006. In 2012, the Mixit Charitable Trust was established as a non-profit trust to specifically support youth at community level and to guide the vision of the Mixit Project. Its commitment is to further cultural, educational and empowerment opportunities for young people with refugee backgrounds and to assist their positive integration into New Zealand communities.

Mixit supports programmes that bring together a multicultural diversity of young people and which use creativity as a means to increase self-confidence, improve communication skills and support intercultural understanding.

The Mixit Trust firmly believes in the power of non-judgemental and inclusive creative platforms to assist young people to find hope, optimism and resilience in order to courageously move on with their lives.


The Coaches

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The CX Collective

The CX Collective is New Zealand’s community of customer advocates who use design to help organisations shift focus from profit to people. With a base in Auckland and Wellington, their community members connect, learn and play together to push their practice and improve the quality and impact of design for all New Zealanders.


Sarah Clearwater

Sarah Clearwater is the community founder and leads the design of the Co-Jam event experience alongside event facilitation.


Baruk Jacob

Baruk Jacob leads the development of the capability framework.

Together with CX Collective community members and other passionate coaches, Sarah and Baruk support the Co-Jam teams throughout the event.


logo-15 10.17.52 AM.png helps people develop their creative abilities. It’s a place, a community, and a mindset. Located at Stanford University, teaches creative capacity, design-led approaches, tools and mindsets.

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UX Homegrown

UX Homegrown is a submission- based and community curated conference with the goal of growing the level of practice across New Zealand.

It is organised by Gerbrand van Melle, Emma Knight, Matt Gould, and a fistful of volunteers. It is supported by our sponsors and (if you come) you!


The Catalysts


Foundation North

Foundation North is an independent grant-making organisation supporting the work of not-for-profit groups. The Foundation has made grants worth almost $800 million since being formed in 1988. Any incorporated society or charitable trust in Auckland and Northland can apply for funds, provided they are a not-for-profit organisation.

Jade Pohgaik Tang-Taylor is the ethnic diversity strategy activator at Foundation North and will be one of the MC’s during the Co-Jam weekend.

Others involved in the weekend include:

Connie Lee – Advisor (Diversity)

Kim Stansfield – Administrator

Te Uranga Royal – Summer Intern


Centre for Social Impact

The Centre for Social Impact was established by Foundation North to help organise and deliver social programmes for optimum social impact. They help grant-makers and funders invest for impact and enables their community partners to turn that investment into inspiring and sustainable social change.


Auckland University
of Technology

Located in the heart of Auckland city, the Auckland University of Technology will be the venue for the first CoJam experience. AUT is the second largest and fastest growing university in New Zealand. Established relationships with employers and professionals make our teaching and research relevant to current and future industry, which shows in our 95% graduate employment rate.

AUT prides itself on its high lecturer-to-student ratio, student support services and modern on-campus facilities. They are accredited by the New Zealand government, internationally recognized, and globally competitive.

Key AUT staff involved in the kaupapa include lecturer Maria Hayward, who will be sitting on the Council for the event.


The Draft Studio

The Draft is a community made for design students by design students. With an array of events in the pipeline, students can expect useful workshops, industry speakers, and helpful nuggets of knowledge to take you to the next level.

The Draft Studio is the Draft’s student led design studio located on the AUT campus (WE level 5). They work with industry clients, in collaborative teams of handpicked AUT students. Their goal is to create purposeful design with a social impact.

Aimee Preston is the managing director of The Draft. She is the Lead Designer for CoJam and has assisted in ideating the CoJam experience.


The Auckland Co-Design Lab

The Auckland Co-design Lab (the Lab) is a public sector innovation team based in South Auckland. It is a unique collaboration between central and local government.

Set up in January 2015, the Lab was established to develop fresh ideas in response to complex social issues. Their aim is to use co-design principles and practice to work with, better understand and empower the people closest to the issues.

A key goal is to create a space for multi-agency teams to collaborate, work alongside citizens and to support and broker innovative ideas and solutions.