48hrs to co-imagine 'belonging' in our superdiverse world

Why are we CoJamming?


The Need

With Aotearoa, New Zealand’s ethnic diversity projected to rise (particularly in Auckland) by 2038, Aotearoa will evolve from a bicultural to a truly multicultural nation. Therefore, there is a call to strengthen the social cohesion, inclusion and sense of belonging between the different ethnic groups residing in our nation.

According to Stats NZ, the ‘European or Other’ group is projected to slowly decrease with several minority groups projected to increase. As many individuals identify with multiple ethinicities, the ethnic shares sum to more than 100 percent, highlighting New Zealand’s growing cosmopolitan identity.


The Challenge

For each Co-Jam experience, there is a different social issue. For this weekend, the design challenge is “How might we support and celebrate young people exploring new cultural multi-identities?”

This challenge evolved out of another co-design workshop with 60+ community leaders, convened by Belong Aotearoa on ‘Creating an Inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand: Sector Hui Report’ as one of the key prototypes to activate change.

Central to the report is the sector’s response to the horrific events of March 15 and how they can play their part in tackling racism and discrimination within our communities. Through a facilitated co-design process, participants were urged to explore potential solutions with the aim of creating transformative change in this area. The challenge we are focusing on was one of six key prototype ideas that evolved from the hui.


The Opportunity

With each CoJam experience focussing on a different social issue, this CoJam experience represents an opportunity for young changemakers, of different backgrounds, to come together and collaborate with our former refugee and resettlement communities.

Across the two days, participants will develop and prototype completely new services, products or initiatives inspired by the challenge and theme of the weekend. The aim is for the prototypes to be picked up and developed further into the future by the participants, themselves, or by others in the wider community.

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